Hello and welcome to my blog. 
My name is Stevilynn. 
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by to visit.
Please stay and get to know me and follow my crazy life.

Growing up I lived a life that's good especially when my two brothers came along. I danced ballet, played sports and my parents always made sure we never went without even when times were hard. Then I turned 16 and my life changed. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. I have a rare form of it and talk about a struggle. I gained 80lbs in two months. We knew something was terribly wrong especially since I was so active and healthy. At that point I knew my life and weight was going to be a trial and a struggle. I tried every diet known to man and worked out like a made women and would drop 20-40 lbs and then gain it back and then some while still working out and eating healthy. 

It has been a struggle yet depressing and very tiresome journey filled with a lot of hurting and anger. And yet even with all the struggles and trials I have found blessings and a life filled with love. It has made me into the person I am today but also in a way I am still finding out who I am. I forgot to mention I am the type of person that I always put others first and myself last and please don't think I am complaining but I haven't even put myself first even before I was married and that has taken a toll on my body. Meaning....Hashimoto's doesn't only affect your thyroid, it attacks your joints and muscles. Also the number one side affect is depression. And in my blog I will be sharing a lot of raw emotions about it along with all my thoughts and feelings.

I am working on me and trying to get back in shape and overcome my Hashimoto's and then we want to start a family with the next year especially since we are not getting any younger. So for now I decided to take up blogging. I have tried blogging in the past but wasn't very successful in keeping it up. I think this time will be different because one I have time but also I have a story to share.

♥XO{Stevilynn Tom}

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